Nutrient Dense Whole Food Diet


Nutrient dense whole foods are the basis for optimal health, without them you will not thrive in optimal health. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is the root cause of many of the health problems in American society. Americans eat for convenience instead of health. Eliminating most, if not all processed food, fast food and convenience foods is step one in taking control of your health. Fat, protein and carbohydrates can be consumed as whole foods. 

Healthy carbohydrates should comprise 40% of your diet. 25% or more should be in the form of low glycemic vegetables lightly cooked in proper oil or raw and 1-3 piece of fruit per day. There are good carbs and bad carbs and learning to discern the difference is taught. Some individuals can tolerate gluten and whole
grains while others can’t. Breads, pasta, tortillas, candy, cake, ice cream should be consumed on occasion and only if homemade or properly sourced with an ingredient list containing real food ingredients, not additives, dyes and preservatives. 

Healthy fat should comprise  aproximately 30% of your diet; and for some individuals it may be a larger part of the diet. Healthy fat triggers hormones of satiation thereby reducing overall caloric intake. Proper fatty acids are imperative to good health. Coconut oil, olive oil, nuts and seeds and butter from grass fed cows and many animal products are healthy sources of fat.

 Protein should come from sustainably raised animals and organically grown plants. For most people, eating proteing about the size of the palm of your hand 3 times per day is about right. 


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Kristy Corah, NTP

(916) 718-8891