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Are all Supplements Created Equal?

Are all supplements created the same? The answer is no, as the attached article will outline for you. There are many companies producing quality supplements; Biotics Research is the line of supplements I know best and most often recommend to clients. The Nutritional Therapy Association has had a relationship with Biotics Research for many years; hence giving students an education on their products while in the course. As an NTP, I recommend only quality supplements and I know I’m getting that at Biotics.

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Is Inflammation in the Gut the Cause of Weight Gain?

Have you tried losing weight with the calories in, calories approach? Have you tried low calorie, low glycemic, high protein, vegan, paleo and evey other diet under the sun.......and it's still NOT working? Consider that inflammation in the gut and insulin resistance may be the cause. I offer labs from SpectraCell Labratories in order to better assess my client's inability to lose weight and keep it off. 

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Functional Medicine and Nutrient Therapy

Functional medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease and treats the systems of the body as an entire entity rather than treating an isolated set of symptoms. The foundations of good heath are the focus of nutritional therapy: nutrient dense whole food diet, digestion, blood sugar handling, fatty acids, minerals and hydration. By focusing on the foundations, functional medicine supports the unique expression of health and vitality for each individual.

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Don't Forget the Bone Broth!

Bone broth may be the way to cure the ills of modern man.....crazy but possibly true. America's poor feel they cannot afford quality food, that protein sources such as meat, fish and chicken are too expensive, so why not just swing through McDonalds and feed the family for $15. In Food Inc, a "poor" family is profiled doing just this. The saddest part is the father has type 2 diabetes and takes $140 (out of pocket) of meds each month to "keep him healthy" as stated by his wife. Believe me, if you have diabetes you are not healthy, meds or no meds. 90% of type 2 diabetes is preventable by modifying the diet and making lifestyle changes. Agribusiness and the fast food industry do not want us to know this. If we stopped purchasing foods on the SAD and fast food they would be out of business, so vote with your fork 3 times a day and spread the word that bone broth is a very inexpensive and healthy way, during times of frugality or not, to bring protein into the diet. Learn to make bone broth here......

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The Cholesterol Myth

High cholesterol is NOT the cause of heart disease, rather Inflammation and oxidative stress. Cholesterol is in fact essential for good health, as it carries out essential functions within your cell membranes, and is critical for proper brain function and production of steroid hormones.
The real cause of heart disease is related to damage inflicted on the inside wall of your arteries, the primary culprit of which is sugar, which causes plaque formation and thickening of the artery wall. Two tests that are good indicators of your risk for heart disease are your HDL to total cholesterol ratio, and your triglyceride to HDL ratio.
Three additional risk factors for heart disease are your fasting insulin,  fasting blood sugar levels, and your iron level.

When people have a cholesterol panel done and the total number is over 200, they are often lead to believe that means "poor heart health." Yet half the people with elevated cholesterol have healthy hearts and half the people with heart disease have normal cholesterol......go figure?

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Please see specialties for more information on preconception, pregnancy and postpartum services

Kristy Corah, NTP

(916) 718-8891

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