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Why are we so sick?

In no period of history as a nation, have Americans been so concerned about diet and nutrition. And conversely, at no period in time as a nation have we been so fat and sick.

Heart disease and cancer were rare at the turn of the century, today these two diseases strike all too frequently. In the US, 1 in 3 people dies of cancer, 1 in 3 suffers from allergies, 1 in 10 will have ulcers,  1 in 5 is mentally ill, 1 in 5 pregnancies ends in miscarriage and one quarter of a million infants are born with a birth defect each year. Other degenerative diseases: arthritis, multiple sclerosis, digestive disorders, diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, epilepsy and chronic fatigue afflict a significant number of Americans.......3 out of 4 people die of chronic disease in America!

Clearly something is terribly wrong. The diet dictocrats in the AMA and other medical industries, the FDA and other government agencies, the American Dietetic Association, American Cancer Society......and the list goes on and on do get some things right, but clearly other recommendations are way off base.

According to the recommendations, grains should be the basis of our diet; but many people do very poorly on hard to digest grains, not to mention gluten sensitivity. Other people have a low tolerance for dairy products which are also recommended on the food pyramid. It also calls for reduced fats without addressing the dangers of a lowfat diet....isn't it ironic that the act of removing fat from the diet back in the 1980's correlates directly with an increase in obesity? We are the first country in history to actively remove fat from food. Finally, the guidelines perpetuate the myth that fats, carbohydrates and proteins have equal nutritional value no matter how much or how litter they are processed. The experts make no distinction between whole grains and refined, between foods grown organically and those grown with pesticides and commercial fertilizers, between unprocessed dairy products from pasture-fed cows and pasteurized dairy products from confined animals raised on processed feed, between fresh and rancid fats, between traditional fresh fruits and vegetables and those genetically altered, between grass fed meats and those fed grain, corn and  soy, between eggs produced on commercial farms and eggs from free range chickens.....basically there is no distinction between traditional, real food and the "frankenfoods"of industry that most Americans consume.

If the powers that be told the public: Just Eat Real Food, Americans would be healthier and happier!

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How do you eat, move, think, and supplement?

Four simple words that have a profound effect on your health! Let's break them down:

How do you eat.......are you on the Standard American Diet of fast food, processed food, refined carbohydrates and food loaded with sugar and sugar substitues like high fructose corn syrup? Or are you eating nutrient dense whole foods? Once again, how you answer this question will have a profound effect on your health.

How do you move......does you day consist of sitting in a chair behind a computer, then heading home to an evening of laying on the couch with the TV on? Or do you have a job that requires some activity and after that you hit the gym, get on your bike or go to a yoga class? Once again, how you answer this question will have a profound effect on your health.

How do you you life full of stress, toxic relationships, angry thoughts and resentment? Or do you have functional, loving relationships, stress that doesn't consume you and thoughts that send you to happy places? Once again, how you answer this question will have a profound effect on your health.

How do you supplement.......are your supplement jars sitting unopened or expired in your cabinet or is your cabinet void of supplements? Or do you thoughtfully take healthful supplements that a health care practitioner has recommended on a daily basis? Once again, how you answer this question will have a profound effect on your health.

How you eat, move, think and supplement impacts your health more than you might realize. Nutritional Therapy teaches you to focus on the foundations of good health: whole food diet, digestion, blood sugar handling, fatty acids, minerals and hydration.

So..... just eat real food!

Move your body responsibly, but don't over train as it kicks up cortisol and oxidative stress.

Ask yourself a few simple questions each morning and evening: What am I or what could I be most grateful for in my life now? What am I or what could I be be enjoying most in my life right now? What have I given today? How has today added to the quality of my life?

Meet with a health care practitioner to have your nutritional deficiencies assessed and get committed to taking supplements along with a commitment to whole food nutrition!

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